Opportunity Zone Designation Input Due March 2
Broadly speaking, Opportunity Zones and Funds will allow investors to receive tax benefits on currently unrealized capital gains by investin

Opportunity Zones and Legislative Updates Dominate Packed Agenda at Virginia Rural Caucus Meeting
At the Rural Caucus meeting held on February 21, recent developments and time-sensitive deadlines around Opportunity Zones were a key focus

Governor Northam Stresses Economic Development at Annual Virginia Rural Caucus Reception and Dinner
Richmond, Va. – Governor Ralph Northam said that promoting economic development was his administration’s top priority at the Virginia Rural

Virginia Rural Caucus Meeting Focuses on Health Care
Health care was the focus of the February 14 Rural Caucus meeting, which welcomed Dr. Daniel Carey, VA Secretary of Health and Human Resourc

Broadband and Economic Development Take Center Stage at Virginia Rural Caucus Meeting
Richmond, Va. – At the Rural Caucus meeting on January 31, broadband internet access and economic development took center stage, with...