Virginia's Workforce Demands
18% High School Diploma
52% Associates Degree, Certificates, Licenses, etc.
30% Bachelors Degree and Post Graduate

Oyster-shucking champion. Image provided by Cameron Davidson, VTC

Image provided by www.virginia.org, Virginia Tourism Corporation

Prosperous Communities
There are various policies, factors and resources that are necessary to create and sustain prosperous communities. Throughout rural Virginia, communities are working together to address the following issues and opportunities:
Economic Development and Job Creation
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development, Creative Economies, Agricultural Expansion and Traditional Industries—
Workforce Development and Education
- Education Pipeline includes: Colleges, Universities, Community Colleges, Training Programs, Career and Technical Education, and K-12 Education, STEM-H Disciplines
- Broadband
- Energy
- Water and Sewer
- Access and Quality of Care
Leadership and Community Capacity
- Building the capacity of three interdependent elements --
individual leaders, organization and the community as a
Regional Assets and Opportunities
- Elements that contribute to a regional identity including quality of life, tourism opportunities and downtown redevelopment